Meditation and Creativity: What Style of Meditation is Best

By James Razko

Can meditation be used to boost creativity?

You’ve probably already guessed the answer to the rhetorical question above, but first, let’s go over what we know meditation already does. Meditation reduces stress, helps control anxiety, increases self-awareness, sharpens attention, improves sleep, decrease blood pressure, and helps manage pain. And, according to several studies like this one, one form of meditation also increases creativity.

Importantly, research also shows you do not need to be an experienced meditator to reap the creative rewards.

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Why Does Surfing Instagram and Mediation Feel the Same:Who’s Driving my Consciousness Bus?

By James Razko

Lately, I’ve been considering what it means to be present.

When meditating, this answer seems clear. Being present is not being lost in thought, but being in the here and now. It’s a special kind of focus, where our brain’s default mode network shuts off, and we enter a state of flow. I do my best work in these moments, and often it brings a welcomed feeling of contentment.

Also, and oddly, when on social media and in particular Instagram, I often feel a very similar experience. I can get lost looking at just about anything oddly-satisfying, especially (for reasons unknown to me) people fishing. I don’t fish…

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